Tuesday, March 12, 2013


        Talk about catestrophic failure.. The SimCity launch has gone done as one of the worst in history. It doesn't help those companies who are trying to sell us on DRM online all the time game play. While I personally believe that online play enhances SimCity. I do agree that we should have the right to choose. I mean if you have no intentions of ever playing with anybody why do you have to be online all the time? This launch was yet another example of Companies underestimating the load that online DRM places on their servers and networks.I fully believe that "underestimating their fan base" is a load of crap. The game was probably working fine in test until they actually had to put DRM on it. No one wants to come out and say it because they don't want fuel the anti-DRM fire. If you don't have online DRM than the game does not need to be online all the time. Thus lessening the load on servers. Companies need realize that when they put their profit lines (boards, and investors) over their fans and customers they are going to lose. Your investors won't get paid if no one buys your products either. I personally like online play but do I think it is necessary heck no. I have two regions that I play by myself. I have been fortunate that I haven't been plagued with as many login troubles as others have, and I am a self confessed altholic so starting another city on another server because I can't login to mine is really no big deal for me. I do feel for those that can't play they way they want when they want. Origin and Steam are probably the worst thing that has ever come to gaming, and the fact that consoles are heading that direction as well really spells out disaster and a dark age of gaming. I think that as a result there is going to be an increase to piracy and attempts to crack the DRM as if they would have just left it minimized. What's wrong with doing a quick check upon boot-up then disconnecting and let us play the way we want. Or validation at install, and then leave us alone? I believe that developers have the right to get paid. That is how we get such awesome games. However, I want to keep my right to play as well. What's the point of even buying games right now? We might as well just rent it from gametap or use a subscription service and then playing what we want and then moving on. If we don't own it when we "buy it" and we can't play it the way we want to, then why should we really buy it in the first place?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SimCity My New Favorite Addiction

I am personally in love with the new SimCity. It is the best thing since sliced bread for me. No I am not paid to write this. It is just really really fun. Do I understand it, not yet. I am still figuring the in's and out's of it. I am by no means a SimCity expert. I am not a multi-region SimCity 4 master. I am just a casual Sim player who loves SimCity and wants to be really good at it. That being said this is what I like about the new Simcity: I LIKE having multiple small cities. It appeals to my "altholic" nature. I like having multiple cities that are specialized and have to work together to make a successful region. It is more like real life to me. How many cities do you know contain a college, and a factories, and agricultural based in real life? It takes many different types of cities to make a successful region. I like the social aspect of it even though I have yet to indulge in it. I am vehemntly trying to get my wife and best friend to play so we can have our own region. I am sooo close. lol. The games has been out for a day now and I know this is early, I will defintiely keep everyone updated the more experienced I become. My main suggestion to all is : Forums, use them love them. If there is something the you do or don't like about the game, express your opinions. This game is really geared toward tailoring it towards your likes. And who knows? Someone may pay attention and use your suggestion making the game better for all of us. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Patience This Will Be A Great Year

If I somehow survive the upcomign rapture on May 21st, 2011 ;-) This is going to be a great year. I am going to be very busy. WoW Cataclysm expansion just got awesome for me. Star Wars the Old Republic is hopefully going to be out. Terry Pratchett is releasing Snuff, Harry Potter's Last Movie,  Thor, Green Lantern, man it's like this is my year. I will be updating this post with Dates later but as I am at work right now I should probably not do too much Blogging lol.


Ok, I finally figured out why I don't blog so much. It's because I write about too much in one blog and so I constantly waste too much time thinking "does this go along with my theme?" or "does this really belong here?" So enter Beltannon's Addiction. This where I talk about my "geeky" loves, video games , books, and whatever else fits my crazy fantasy at this point.

About me: I currently work for one of the help desks of a very large company. My loves of games include mostly PC Games, however Mortal Kombat and Halo are favs of mine. I am altholic on WoW mainly because most of the players of forgotten/do not care about the story and Blizzard are responded in true Blizzard fashion has given the players what the want and well content is just moving so fast I just can't keep up. Unlike many gamers, gaming is not really my life. I love to read, I am currently an orange belt in Taekwondo, and have  20 month old daughter who is my world. 

About this Blog: Beltannon is the name of my first "main" in WoW, however in true WoW fashion he is also my 4th highest character, my primary main is a priest. Yes I got bit by the healing bug. This is where I can truly let my "geek" self reign! I hope to spend many hours on this blog ;-)